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Business Qualification

    Grade A certificate of Chemical Petrochemical Pharmaceutical Architecture Light& Textile (food and tobacco) Engineering and EPC issued by Construction Bureau

    Grade B certificate of Utilities Provisions Commercial Light & Textile Engineering issued by Construction Bureau

    Grade A and Grade B certificate of Engineering Consolation issued by National Development and Reforming Committee

    Grade B Certificate of Project Environmental influence assessment issued by National Environment Protection Bureau

    Environment Pollution Protection Project (waste water waste gas). Grade A1. A2 A3 Certificate of Pressure Vessels and Grade GA GB GC GD certificate of pressure piping design issued by national Quality &Technique Administration Bureau

    Grade A Certificate of Engineering Supervision for Chemical Petrochemical & Buildings.Issued by construction bureau

    Grade B Certificate of Engineering Supervision for Machines Installation issued by Provincial Construction Bureau

    Cleaning production audit certificate

    Agent Construction of project

金昌市| 宜良县| 商丘市| 蒙自县| 股票| 含山县| 晋江市| 石狮市| 临清市| 峨边| 舞钢市| 曲麻莱县| 西林县| 资源县| 乌兰察布市| 武义县| 常州市| 城固县| 兴义市| 四川省| 浙江省| 宁明县| 天镇县| 临漳县| 雷波县| 德保县| 东港市| 阿巴嘎旗| 沧州市| 内江市| 赫章县| 高平市| 孟连| 兴文县| 武宣县| 佛教| 苍溪县| 甘谷县| 楚雄市| 清原| 泽普县|